Tailored solutions for all social impact needs and social change-makers

Impactly enables all organisations to easily measure, track, and demonstrate the social and economic value of their social intervention - no matter the size, challenges or goals.
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Our solutions

Turn your social initiatives into measurable impact

We offer standardized and custom solutions for a wide range of social interventions. No matter your impact objective, our platform helps you efficiently measure the outcome, follow progression and report the social and economic value of your intervention.
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NEET interventions
We enable NEET intervention to measure the outcomes efficiently and demonstrate the value of their efforts.
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Group homes
We empower group homes to measure outcomes, assess the quality and report the value of their work.
We help measure the outcomes and report the value of housing interventions efficiciently and easily
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We help measure the outcomes and report the value of citizens moving from unemployed to employed
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Mental health at work
We help companies measure the social and economic value of improved wellbeing among employees.
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We help measure the outcomes and report the value of reduced loneliness, depression, stress etc.
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We enable organisations helping homeless people showcase the value of their work.
Sucess stories

We empower social interventions to drive positive change for people and society

Maria Kavita Nielsen
Mind Your Own Business
With Impactly, we have optimized our possibilities of showing and documenting the impact, we create for and together with the boys, because we are now able to monitor the boys' individual development in real-time
Maria Kavita Nielsen
Founder and Director
Even Ramsland
Recovery Bulls
The fact that Impactly helps us measure the effects of our work is a huge help in order for us to prove our effect to collaborators, politicians and benficiaries, so we can continue to help people.
Even Ramsland
Founder and Director
Who do we help?

We offer solutions for all organisations regardless of size, challenges or goals

Whether you’re a social intervention, organisation, foundation, or company, our platform can help you make your impact visible, meaningful and actionable, ensuring every effort you make drives measurable impact and lasting change.
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Social interventions
Tracking the impact of social interventions can be challenging. Our platform enables you to measure, analyse, and enhance the effectiveness of your programs, ensuring that your efforts lead to lasting social change.
House icon with a heart inside
Balancing impact reporting with day-to-day operations can be overwhelming. Our platform simplifies the process, allowing you to efficiently capture, assess and report the value you create, so you can focus on driving your mission forward.
Foundations often struggle to assess the long-term impact of their grants. Impactly provides the tools to monitor and evaluate the social and economic value of your investments, helping you ensure that your funding makes the biggest possible impact.
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Addressing mental health in the workplace can be challenging to quantify. Our platform allows companies to assess and calculate the social and economic value of their initiatives, ensuring your efforts lead to a healthier workforce for the benefit of workers and company.
Our approach

Harness scientific methods to build a comprehensive impact strategy, and efficiently measure and report impact

Work with our experts to develop an impact strategy rooted in the scientific methods of Social Return on Investment or Subjective Wellbeing Valuation, ensuring precise measurement and thorough documentation of your social impact.
Develop a Theory of Change
Measure outcomes
Assess impact
Convert outcome data to value
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Benefits of our scientific approach

Utilising the scientific methods of Social Return on Investment (SROI) or Subjective Wellbeing Valuation (SWV) allows you to efficiently and tangibly showcase the value you create for people and society.

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Offers a systematic and recognised method for social impact evaluation and reporting
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Enables continuous learning and optimisation
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Helps clearly convey the social impact and value
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Appeals to impact investors, foundations and municipalities
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Increases possibilities of establishing longterm partnerships
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Improves chances of becoming financially sustainable
Impact management platform

Impactly is designed to make it simple to evaluate social interventions

Impactly is a user-friendly platform for impact measurement and reporting, based on a scientific approach to measuring and valuing social interventions

Measure impact and register data with a data strategy

  • Set up a data strategy for structured data collection
  • Utilize validated measurement tools (e.g., WHO-5), make your own questionnaires, and use 3 types of registrations
  • Use 'tags' to categorize citizens and filter between subgroups (e.g., residential areas, benefits and diagnosis)
Social Impact with Impactly
Social Impact with Impactly

Follow citizens' progression and share the results

  • Follow citizens' progression individually and on group level
  • Set up a visual dashboard enabling you to share your intervention's results continuously
  • Comply with GDPR and data protection requirements, and anonymize citizen data, if needed

Utilize outcome data for SROI analysis and value reporting

  • Demonstrate the economic value of your intervention with the Social Return on Investment method
  • Showcase the social value for citizens and the budgetary value for authorities
  • Report the socio-economic value distributed among stakeholders
Social Impact with Impactly

Impactly enables all organistions to measure and report their social impact

Utilise our user-friendly platform, impact expertise and comprehensive support to efficiently measure and report your social impact on people and society.
1.995 kr
Per month (paid yearly), ex. VAT, per intervention
Ideal for getting started and taking the first step on your impact journey
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Data strategy setup
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Outcome measurement and registration
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Follow progression
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Report results continuously
Life satisfaction
3.995 kr
Per month (paid yearly), ex. VAT, per intervention
Ideal for showcasing the social value of your interventions
Everything from Basis, plus:
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Analysis of outcomes
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Calculation of WELLBY
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WELLBY reporting
6.995 kr
Per month (paid yearly), ex. VAT, per intervention
Ideal for reporting the social and economic value of your interventions
Everything from Life satisfaction, plus:
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Setup of basis alternatives
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Calculation of unit prices
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SROI reporting
Contact us
Ideal for organisations needing to measure and report on multiple interventions
A collection of our three main products, plus:
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Free choice of plan
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Customised features
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Customised impact strategy
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Customised setup, analysis and reporting
Book a meeting with Johan dubert, Founder and CEO of Impactly
Would you like to learn more?

Book a meeting with Johan

If you'd like to learn more about Impactly and how we can assist you in evaluating your social initiatives, you can book an introductory meeting with our CEO