Pricing enabling all organisations to measure and report social impact

Impactly offers comprehensive support, from creating your impact strategy to measuring and reporting your results and the value of your intervention for people and society.
Start your impact journey today
1.995 kr
Monthly, ex. VAT, per intervention
Ideal for getting started on your impact journey
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Data strategy setup
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Outcome measurement and registration
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Follow progression
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Report results continuously
Life satisfaction
3.995 kr
Per month (paid yearly), ex. VAT, per intervention
Ideal for reporting the social value of interventions
Everything from Basis, plus:
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Analysis of outcomes
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Calculation of WELLBY
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WELLBY reporting
6.995 kr
Per month (paid yearly), ex. VAT, per intervention
Ideal for reporting the social and economic value of interventions
Everything from Life satisfaction, plus:
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Setup of basis alternatives
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Calculation of unit prices
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SROI reporting
Contact us
Ideal for organisations needing to measure and report on multiple interventions
A collection of our three main products, plus:
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Free choice of plan
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Customised features
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Customised impact strategy
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Customised setup, support, analysis and reporting
We prioritise the security of our clients' data. We handle and process data on their behalf, adhering to a strict data processing agreement, and ensuring compliance with applicable and relevant requirements.
Sucess stories

We empower social interventions to drive positive change for people and society

Maria Kavita Nielsen
Mind Your Own Business
With Impactly, we have optimized our possibilities of showing and documenting the impact, we create for and together with the boys, because we are now able to monitor the boys' individual development in real-time
Maria Kavita Nielsen
Founder and Director
Even Ramsland
Recovery Bulls
The fact that Impactly helps us measure the effects of our work is a huge help in order for us to prove our effect to collaborators, politicians and benficiaries, so we can continue to help people.
Even Ramsland
Founder and Director
Plan Comparison
Setup hours
Email and phone support
Validated questionaires
Automatic sendouts
Follow-up function & reminders
Data strategy
Visual dashboards
Group participants with tags
Follow individual progression
Outcome reporting
WELLBY calculation
WELLBY reporting
Identification of benchmark data
SROI reporting
Socio-economic calculation
Defining basis alternatives
Feasibility and gap analysis
Setup hours
Email and phone support
Validated questionaires
Automatic sendouts
Follow-up function & reminders
Data strategy
Visual dashboards
Group participants with tags
Follow individual progression
Outcome reporting
WELLBY calculation
WELLBY reporting
Identification of benchmark data
SROI reporting
Socio-economic calculation
Defining basis alternatives
Feasibility and gap analysis
Setup hours
Email and phone support
Validated questionaires
Automatic sendouts
Follow-up function & reminders
Data strategy
Visual dashboards
Group participants with tags
Follow individual progression
Outcome reporting
WELLBY calculation
WELLBY reporting
Identification of benchmark data
SROI reporting
Socio-economic calculation
Defining basis alternatives
Feasibility and gap analysis
Life satisfaction
Email and phone support
Validated questionaires
Automatic sendouts
Follow-up function & reminders
Data strategy
Visual reporting dashboards
Group participants with tags
Follow individual progression
Outcome reporting
WELLBY calculation
WELLBY reporting
Identification of benchmark data
SROI reporting
Socio-economic calculation
Defining basis alternatives
Feasibility and gap analysis
Frequently asked questions
What kind of support can I expect?
We offer full on-going support via email or phone for all plans, from strategy and setup all the way to final impact reporting. We are available all weekdays from 9.00-17.00.
Can I get further help for setup, if needed?
Yes, of course. We have designed the plans to accommodate most organisations based on how much setup and support time it usually requires, but should you need further help, our hourly rate is 1600 DKK. ex. VAT
Is Impactly worth the investment?
Yes. Being able to show the results and value of your intervention will enable you to better convince stakeholders, municipalities and potential investors of your intervention’s impact and importance for people and society. But don’t just take our word for it, see what
Mind Your Own Business and Recovery Bulls say.
How does Impactly ensure data security?
We prioritise the security of our clients' data, and adhere to a strict data processing agreement to ensure full compliance. Beyond that, we offer anonymisation with the click of a button, if needed.
How is Impactly different from other alternatives?
Impactly enables ongoing insight and reporting on both individual, group and intervention level. Beyond that, we offer the most efficient and easy way for organisations to showcase their Social Return on Investment - for a fraction of the price. We support you in the process from getting started to achieve the needed reporting. Last, but not least, we have experience and knowledge to help you from the beginning of your impact journey to achieving the wanted financing.
How do I report my results with Impactly?
For the Basis plan, you can simply share a live-updating link with your report, or export a pdf of the wanted reporting modules from your dashboard, to accommodate your needs, stakeholders or investors. For WELLBY and SROI, we calculate the values for you based on your outcome data and automatically generate a report for your - including strong scientific and methodological appendices.
Which plan is right for me?
If you're unsure which plan is right for you, please feel free to book an Impact Intro with our CEO and founder, Johan, to discuss your intervention, target group and goals to determine the right plan for you.
What if I want to measure several interventions?
If you have several interventions, feel free to contact us regarding our Enterprise plan. Based on your needs, target audience and goals, we'll customise a plan that's right for your particular organisation. We offer Enterprise plans based on all of our plans; Basis, Life Satisfaction or SROI.
Can I change my plan anytime?
If you sign up for Basis, you are free to upgrade at anytime, but it will involve an assessment of how many ressources Impactly will need to spend to enable you to report WELLBYs or SROI. The same goes for WELLBYs subscribers wanting to upgrade to SROI.
Book a meeting with Johan dubert, Founder and CEO of Impactly
Would you like to learn more?

Book a meeting with Johan

If you'd like to learn more about Impactly and how we can assist you in evaluating your social initiatives, you can book an introductory meeting with our CEO