Now all organizations can measure the effect and show the value of their social interventions

June 10, 2024

Many organizations have until now found it difficult, expensive and time-consuming to measure their social impact and evaluate their social interventions. All that is about to change, as Impactly now offers subscription prices as low as DKK 1,995 per month, so that all organizations - regardless of resources, skills and size - can start their impact journey.

With new prices, Impactly aims to ensure that more organizations get the opportunity to measure the effect, share the results and show the value of their social interventions for people and society.

"Effect measurement and valuation of social interventions must be democratised, and now we are taking the first step. We make it simpler, cheaper and faster to start your impact journey and to show the value of social interventions, because we believe that this can help organisations and our society as a whole help more people better," says Johan Dubert, director and founder of Impactly, and continues:
"All organizations deserve to be able to show the social and economic value of their important social work."

A subscription for everyone

Impactly launches three types of subscriptions; Basis, Life Satisfaction and SROI.

Basis: Ideal for organizations that want to start measuring impact. Price: DKK 1,995 per month

Life satisfaction: Ideal for organizations that want to show the social value of their efforts. Price: DKK 3,995 per month

SROI: Ideal for organizations that want to demonstrate the economic and social value of their efforts. Price: DKK 6,995 per month

Regardless of where you are on your impact journey, you can therefore find a subscription that can create value both internally and externally.

"We make it possible to measure the effect on the smaller, but equally important, interventions, and at the same time our new SROI Calculator makes it possible to offer SROI reports faster, simpler and at a fraction of the price organisations had to pay previously, ” says Johan Dubert.

Find the right subscription for you and start your impact journey today

Sign up for Impactly's Impact Talk about the SROI Calculator

Impactly launches three types of subscriptions; Basis, Life Satisfaction and SROI.Basis: Ideal for organizations that want to start measuring impact. Price: DKK 1,995 per monthLife satisfaction: Ideal for organizations that want to show the social value of their efforts. Price: DKK 3,995 per monthSROI: Ideal for organizations that want to demonstrate the economic and social value of their efforts. Price: DKK 6,995 per month
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Contact us

Johan Dubert
CEO, Founder
Rasmus Rifsdal
Director of Impact, Co-Founder
Jonas thor Straten
Head of Communications