Picture of GROW's founder and team

GROW to measure the social impact of their intervention with Impactly

June 20, 2024

More and more young people suffer from poor mental health, but GROW helps young people stand strong in themselves and in their communities, so they can experience wellbeing and support each other for meaningful lives in balance. Now, GROW will use Impactly to measure the effect of their efforts and calculate the social value of the intervention.

In the past decade, mental health among young people has fallen drastically to a level where a record number of young people today experience loneliness, stress and other forms of unhappiness and poor mental health.

GROW was created to reverse that trend by giving young people the knowledge and tools for personal development and leadership, to empower them to cultivate meaningful relationships and navigate the complexities of life - for the benefit of young people themselves, their families, schools and society as a whole.

"We started GROW because we believe that young people are capable of creating inclusive communities that can give them a better understanding of themselves and other young people, which can give them a solid base when they face adversity in life ," says Klaus Østergaard Nielsen, founder of GROW.
GROW employees hugging

Initially, GROW wants to measure the effect of their training as a wellbeing ambassador. Here, the ambassadors receive both physical and online training as well as individual coaching and group coaching. During the education, the young people learn, among other things, about their strengths and weaknesses, how body and mind are connected, and how they can participate in and contribute to meaningful communities.

Impact measurement will support GROW's work

GROW was one of the early adopters of Impactly and has decided to continue using the platform to measure the impact and show the social value of the effort. In the coming year, they will use Impactly to measure the participants' progress on e.g. wellbeing, life coping skills and life satisfaction.

"We want to be able to clarify the social impact and value of our efforts. We clearly feel progress among the participants, and by measuring the effect with Impactly, we hope to be able to present our results in a way that supports what we see every day," Klaus explains about the decision to continue using Impactly.
GROW team in a huddle

In addition to being able to show the effect of GROW's work, Impactly must also calculate the social value of the effort using WELLBYs.

"A large part of our collaboration with GROW is about measuring the effect of the effort to make it clear how big a difference the effort makes for the young people," says Anton Karlsson, who is Head of Impact at Impactly, and continues:
"And now we take a step up the impact ladder, so that GROW can measure their effect with validated questionnaires, so that we can calculate the social value of the effort, so that they can show how increased community and wellbeing affect the young people's overall life satisfaction. "

How to calculate social value?

In Impactly, WELLBYs, which stand for Wellbeing Years, are used to calculate how social changes such as increased self-esteem, reduced stress and improved life coping skills each affect the participants' overall life satisfaction.

"It can provide enormous learning value for GROW, because they gain insight into which aspects of their efforts create the greatest social impact and value for the young people, and at the same time it gives them a strong foundation to show how their intervention create positive changes and social value for young people," says Anton Karlsson, Head of Impact.

You can read more about WELLBYs and social value here

Start your own impact journey

Do you, like GROW, want to measure the effect of your intervention in order to an better showcase your results and the social value of your intervention?

Then book a demo with Johan Dubert today.

You can read more about what Impactly offers here

Facts about GROW

GROW is a youth organization founded in 2021 by a large group of professionals and passionate young people.

The purpose of GROW is, "To help young people to stand strong in themselves and in the community, so that they can experience wellbeing and support each other for meaningful lives in balance."

Read more about GROW

GROW will use Impactly to measure the social impact of their intervention to boost young people's mental wellbeing and life satisfaction.
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Contact us

Johan Dubert
CEO, Founder
Rasmus Rifsdal
Director of Impact, Co-Founder
Jonas thor Straten
Head of Communications